Examining Your Dog

Routine home examination of your dog can reveal problems early, when they are easiest to treat. , English Setter Regular, weekly sessions will also train your dog to submit to, and even enjoy, the process; it is far easier for a vet to make a diagnosis on a dog that willingly allows itself to be examined. Do not attempt to take on too much in each session: examine just one area, then reward your dog with praise, petting, and treats. checkout, Resources Directory
Appearance and mobility
Your dog's consider, Maremma Sheepdog general appearance is a good indicator of its health. why not visit, Blood and Circulation Problems in Dogs The coat checkout, Kyi-Leo should retain its natural, look at, Epagneul Francis rich appearance: increased dullness and lack of sheen can indicate a skin problem, such as parasites or infection, or may signal disease , Dandie Dinmont Terrier elsewhere in the body. Any of the following symptoms warrants seeing your vet the same day:
  • Difficulty getting up, down, or getting comfortable;
  • Staggering, falling over, walking in circles, or difficulty walking in a straight line;
  • Overreacting to light, sound, or touch;
  • Head tilted to one side;
  • Unexpected restlessness;
  • Bloated belly;
  • Unusual chest movements;
  • Muscle spasms;
  • Any acute body swelling;
  • Crying, yelping, or moaning
Taking your dog's why not visit, Spitz Type Dogs temperature
A dog's checkout, Your Aging Dog normal body temperature ranges between 100.5�F (38.1�C) and 102.5�F (39.2�C), though it may rise with exercise or excitement. When taking a dog's also see, Pointing Dog Breeds temperature using a glass thermometer, first shake it down and lubricate with water-soluble jelly. Insert the thermometer about 2.5 cm (one inch) into your dog's why not visit, Irish Wolfhound rectum and hold in position for 90 seconds. Remove, wipe clean, and read. Digital rectal or ear have a look at, Dogue de Bordeaux thermometers are simpler to use. Never try to take a dog's checkout, Fox Terrier or Foxy temperature by mouth, or if the dog resents it.
Your dog's also see, Teacup Yorkie Puppy For Adoption weight
Weight changes are always significant. If you notice that your dog has suddenly gained or lost weight, consult your vet immediately. Changes are easy to spot if you record your dog's have a look at, Wetterhoun weight on a regular basis. To weigh a small or medium-sized breed, consider, Wetterhoun pick up your dog and weigh yourself on bathroom scales; subtract your own weight to calculate your dog's. , Otterhound If you own a larger individual, visit try, Dog Minder your veterinary clinic every few months to weigh your dog on their scales
Examining the head
Changes in a dog's eyes try, Dandie Dinmont Terrier and nose can signal more complex diseases also look at, Spitz Type Dogs elsewhere in the body. Routine checks can identify problems early.
Check your dog's eyes have a look at, Teacup Yorkie Puppy For Adoption for redness, discharge, cloudiness, or obvious injuries. Dilated pupils in bright light mean fear, pain, excitement, or shock.
 Look in the ears consider, Fila Brasileiro for inflammation, discharge, excess wax, or physical damage. Check the skin on the ear look at, Dingo flaps for abnormalities. The nose should be cool and wet with no sign of discharge from either nostril. Examine the lips, especially the lip folds. There should be no inflammation or unpleasant odour. Open your dog's have a look at, King Charles Spaniel mouth. The gums should be a healthy pink. Check the roof of the mouth: sticks may become lodged between the teeth.

Examining the body, skin, and coat
  • Run your hands over the head, cheeks, jaws, and throat. Gently turn your dog's why not visit, Seppala Siberian Sleddog head left, right, up, and down. Resistance can mean pain.
  • Feel down your dog's checkout, Dog Body Language neck, over its back, sides, and chest. Any stickiness might indicate a site of skin infection or a penetrating injury. Frequently part the hair have a look at, Labrador Retriever to examine the skin which should
    look "quiet", without inflammation or too much flaking.
  • Run your hands over the hips, around the groin, and down each limb, feeling the joints for swelling or excess heat. Examine the feet, checking the pads for damage, and the length of the nails. Gently lift the tail have a look at, Dog Body Language and inspect the anus, which should be perfectly clean and odour free. Examine the genitals for any discharge or inflammation.