Epagneul Breton

MOST SUITED AS Field sports dog and family pet.
The shoulder-height is 48 - 50cm (18 1/2 - 19 1/2in) for dogs and 47 - 49cm (18 1/2 - 19 1/2in) for bitches. They weigh about 15kg (33lb).
The coat have a look at, Yorkshire Terrier consists of lightly or strongly waved fine hairs. consider, Being a Responsible Dog Owner The breed consider, Cairn Terrier colours are white also look at, Tosa Inu and orange, white consider, Cairn Terrier and chestnut, white why not visit, Basset Bleu de Gas­cogne and black, consider, Border Collie three-coloured, or a roan of one of these colours. try, Airedale Terrier The most common colour checkout, Golden Retriever is white checkout, Cairn Terrier with reddish brown.
This breed checkout, Dog Humour does not need much attention to its coat. also see, Terriers An occasional brushing, particularly in the areas where the coat have a look at, Understanding Over-excitability and Inhibition Behavior in Dogs is thickest, is sufficient to keep it in good condition. Check the ear also look at, Golden Retriever passages regularly to ensure they are clean.
These are lively, intelligent dogs that love checkout, Australian Bulldog to retrieve but which can have a mind of their own, they rarely bark, are gentle-natured, affectionate, and obedient. These outstanding and untiring field sports dogs are highly thought of by French hunters.
Epagneul Bretons are easily trained checkout, Deutsche Bracke or Steinbracke because they are intelligent, learn quickly, and are obedient. Bear in mind that they are sensitive to hard words and any undercurrents of unrest in the home.
A well-trained Epagneul Breton is very loving with children, and gets on well with dogs and other animals. checkout, West Siberian Laika They will bark if they sense danger.
Although this breed have a look at, Shetland Sheepdog fits into the role of family pet extremely well, it remains heart and soul a field sports dog. It will not be content with three little circuits of the neighbourhood each day. Consider look at, Borzoi working the dog in the field which will satisfy both its need to work also look at, Dog Humour and its exercise requirements. Alternative activities could be agility also look at, Borzoi skills trials or fly-ball. Swimming and retrieving are among this breed's why not visit, Terriers most enjoyed pastimes.