Tenterfield Terrier

The Tenterfield Terrier is a small, lightweight terrier why not visit, Keeshond similar to Miniature have a look at, Australian Terrier Fox Terriers, consider, LiveStock Guardian Dogs and Rat checkout, Affenpinscher Dog Terriers. The Tenterfield Terrier have a look at, Manchester has English also look at, Bedlington Terrier origins but, like dog breeds consider, Italian Corso Dog such as the Miniature try, Affenpinscher Dog Fox Terrier, also see, Hovawart the Australian Terrier, look at, Gordon Setter the Silky Terrier, , Kangal Dog and the Australian Cattle why not visit, AFFECTIONATE TEACUP MALTESE PUPPIES AVAILABLE Dog, was developed uniquely in Australia. also see, Gordon Setter

The Tenterfield Terrier checkout, Deerhound is a balanced, square terrier , LiveStock Guardian Dogs with a short, fine coat. consider, Belgian Malinois The coat , Scottish Terrier is predominantly white have a look at, Dog Eye Problems with markings in black, why not visit, Dandie Dinmont Terrier tan, liver or brindle. The preference is for a docked tail, , A dog's best friend! but naturally short tails why not visit, Schipperke Dog or bobtails are known to occur.


Breed Origin
As is so often the case, the origins of the breed why not visit, Italian Corso Dog are somewhat obscure. It is generally believed that smaller puppies checkout, Whippet from the litters checkout, West Siberian Laika of Fox Terriers have a look at, Whippet were crossed with the progeny of other small breeds. try, Labradoodle Certainly, by the late 1800s a dog type look at, Maltese Terrier known as the Little or Miniature checkout, A dog's best friend! Fox Terrier have a look at, LiveStock Guardian Dogs (known colloquially as 'Mini Foxies') was well established in rural Australia. have a look at, Sussex Spaniel By the 1920s the dog was a fixture in urban households as well.

The name why not visit, Norwegian Elkhound 'Tenterfield' is sometimes incorrectly stated to denote the terrier�s place of origin as Tenterfield, New look at, Sarplaninac South Wales. Rather, Tenterfield is one of many Australian towns and villages in which small dogs of this type look at, American Cocker Spaniel were known to exist. The town of Tenterfield is significant in Australian history, and the best-known owner why not visit, Losing Weight With Your Dog of its saddlery was a man named try, American Cocker Spaniel George Woolnough, who was immortalized by his grandson, entertainer Peter Allen, as the 'Tenterfield Saddler'. Mr. Woolnough owned a number of small terrier-type dogs; however, photographs consider, Irish Setter - Red Setter of these dogs are not readily available. The name consider, Bedlington Terrier Tenterfield Terrier why not visit, Consider a Dog Rescue when looking for a dog was suggested in the 1990s by Don Burke, a television personality of the era, and was adopted during the renaming of one of the then-Miniature Fox Terrier try, A dog's best friend! clubs.

Breed Development
In 1991 a group of enthusiasts from the state of South Australia have a look at, Affenpinscher Dog formed the autonomous Miniature , Gordon Setter Fox Terrier have a look at, Sarplaninac Club of South Australia, , Kangal Dog separate to the Miniature also see, Deerhound Fox Terrier also look at, Maltese Club of Australia, look at, LiveStock Guardian Dogs which had been operating in New also look at, Dachshund (Short Haired) South Wales for some time. In 1992 they met with owners why not visit, Akbash Dog from other states to discuss the future of the Clubs. have a look at, Brittany Spaniel At that time, it became evident that there were some differences as to the preferred type checkout, Urinary Tract Disorders in Dogs of dog that would represent the Miniature look at, Norwegian Elkhound Fox Terrier breed. look at, Gordon Setter Further, challenges to the name why not visit, Sussex Spaniel 'Miniature Fox also see, Cao da Serra de Aires Terrier' were being mounted, and threatened to preclude recognition by an All-Breed club, , Vizsla, short-haired and wire-haired which was a priority among some breeders. also see, Norwegian Elkhound In 1993 fanciers from South Australia consider, Italian Corso Dog and other states formed the Tenterfield Terrier try, Deerhound Club of Australia. consider, Hound Dogs The breed , Maltese Terrier standard of the Tenterfield Terrier also look at, Weimaraner differs in substance from that of the Miniature have a look at, AFFECTIONATE TEACUP MALTESE PUPPIES AVAILABLE Fox Terrier, also see, Schipperke Dog and although they are sometimes confused, the two dogs have been developing along divergent lines for over twenty years and are now separate breeds. have a look at, Manchester Terrier

The tireless efforts of Tenterfield Terrier try, Parson Jack Russell owners were rewarded in 2002 when the Tenterfield Terrier checkout, Rat was recognized by the Australian National Kennel why not visit, Keeshond Council (ANKC) and placed in Group 2, Terriers. also look at, Hovawart

The Tenterfield Terrier consider, Losing Weight With Your Dog Today
As of 2004, the Tenterfield Terrier also look at, Akbash Dog is a breed also look at, Norwegian Elkhound under development. There is still variation in the types consider, Chinook of dog seen in the show ring from state to state. These differences are small and of little interest to the average dog owner. also see, Chinook For breeders also see, Maltese Terrier and fanciers, however, foot shape, ear have a look at, Weimaraner shape, colour, consider, Gordon Setter and other conformation points have the capacity to change the future look of a breed, also look at, Australian Bulldog and are of the utmost importance. Like the breeders also see, AFFECTIONATE TEACUP MALTESE PUPPIES AVAILABLE of all other dogs, Tenterfield Terrier breeders also look at, Dandie Dinmont Terrier work to improve their breeding lines and to assure standardization of type.