Dogs Australia - Dog Breeds Breeders Puppies for Sale Health Names Classifieds

Our name says it all, our website is about DOGS! Our mission is to provide as much information about dogs, and people involved with dogs as possible. That means sections devoted to dog breeds, dog breeders, general dog information, dog rescues and more. Our focus is on dogs in Australia, but much of the information on our site such as dog health is internationally relevant.

Looking for a Dog?

We recommend before visiting our breeder and puppies for sale section you check out our choosing a dog page, and our breed information pages. Dog breeds differ in many ways. Some require lots of exercise and/or room, some require less. Some will entertain themselves, others will pine without constant attention. Some shed lots of fur, some do not shed at all. Some get on with other animals and dogs, some types of dogs are better off in single animal households.
Your dog needs to suit you, your home, your family and your lifestyle. DON'T let cuteness of puppy be the deciding factor in choosing a dog. Puppies grow up, and become dogs. Cute little puppies can become large or loud dogs. Speak to a reputable breeder.

Buying a Dog?

Don't do it over the net without getting reference, proof of the breeders bona fides and use a escrow agent. If it sounds like a deal to good to be true(I just want to sell my champion Boxer for $300 as I am going overseas, yes I can ship him anywhere in the world for $200) then it probably IS too good to be true. Don't prepay for a puppy without seeing it if you intend to enter your dog in dog shows.

Which Dog Breed?

All dogs are not alike, and dog breeds are not alike. Its is very true, that some dog types are more trainable and obedient than others,(typically gun and herding dogs) whereas some types of dogs tend to be more obstinate, wilful and independent(Lifestock Guardian Dogs and Hound Dogs). Dog Breeds on are grouped into different families(eg, herding dogs, hound dogs, toys dogs etc) and we provide general information about each family and many different breeds that are classified within that dog family. Dogs from the same family tend to behave in similar ways, and have similar needs when it comes to exercise, health care etc. At the bottom of each breed page, is a link to our breeders for that breed, or por saleuppies f of that breed.

Calling all Dog Breeders and Dog related Businesses!!!

Just us Dogs has just launched its Dog Breeder directory and Dog classifieds section. It's a world wide business directory, listing business by country and state, so if a buyer is looking for what you sell in your area, they will find it in here. All listings are 100% free too so add your site' now. Dog Breeder and all service categories in the classifieds section are permanent listings, animal and pet products sales, only stay live for 6 weeks. If you wish to advertise such items for sale, but also want a permanent link to your website, you may also list in our links directory.

Dog Articles

We gratefully receive and publish articles about dogs.? They should be well written, preferably come with an image, and not be published elsewhere.? For a good example see Losing Weight With Your Dog - this writer has not listed their business but if they had, we'd not only provide a link to their site, but also a link to their business listing.

Are you a Dog Breed Expert?

Whilst we constantly research and update our dog breed and health information, we are always grateful to receive information about a breed. Perhaps a breed standard has been updated... maybe a new breed has been created... maybe you've got a better photo? If you've got something to contribute, then by all means send it in. We reward anyone who can provide such information with a 30 day home page acknowledgement, and acknowledgment on the updated page that they were responsible for the updated content. We also are more than happy to publish previously unpublished doggy articles with references to the author.